Support for parents, partners and families

If you live with or support a neurodivergent person, this workshop is for you....

Positive Approaches to Parenting/Partnering (Papa)

These workshops aim to help parents, partners, and families to develop a better understanding of their neurodivergent family member. The focus is to develop a good understanding of Autism in general, apply these principles to their neurodivergent loved one and to develop support strategies.

The workshop usually runs across six two-hour sessions and covers topics such as communication, mental health, and sensory perception. We have successfully delivered PAPA workshops for West Sussex Carers and the NAS Surrey Branch for several years.

“The PAPA course has had an effect! I was telling our autistic son a bit about the course because it was very interesting, and I definitely learned a lot. I mentioned about the double empathy problem which led him to ask for help. He is usually a man of few words so this was really positive.” 

a recent comment from a course participant
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